What's New !
My primary focus is helping my patients get better by providing top quality care in a warm, accommodating & friendly environment. I treat my patients the way I would want my family members to be treated.
My mission is to provide rehabilitation services in a professional & caring manner and return our patients to their prior lifestyle and/or to their jobs as soon as possible. I schedule evaluations one-on-one & educate my patients in all facets of their health. When a patient understands his or her condition, they tend to be more willing to fully participate in their individual program, which ensures a successful outcome. I'm able to assist patients ranging from 3-100+ years of age.
I use proven clinical practices based on "functional anatomy" and communicate regularly with patients, physicians, or case managers. I myself continue to strive for excellence & continued growth by continuing my education. It is my combination of clinical expertise, genuine caring and a strong professional and community reputation that makes me the rehabilitation choice for doctors and patients alike.
※注;日本国内では理学療法士へのDirect Access(直接受診すること)は認められていません。理学療法を希望される方は整形外科医による診断と処方が必要になります。まずは当該整形外科へ受診してください。当院でのリハビリテーションを希望される方で、他院で治療や手術を受けられた方は紹介状を持って受診なさって下さい。
改定第2版 関節機能解剖学に基づく整形外科運動療法ナビゲーション 上肢・体幹
共著・編集 整形外科リハビリテーション学会
編集委員 林典雄、浅野昭裕
定価 7,344円(税込)
(本体 6,800 円+税)
B5判 416ページ オールカラー,
メジカルビュー社 2014年3月14日刊行